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Daily Weather Report (Issue Date: July 26, 2024)

Weather Forecast
For the next day, weather events favourable to the formation of Kiremt rainfall will continue to more intensify over the Kiremt rain-benefiting areas of the country. In association with this, from Oromia region Jimma, Ilubabor, Buno Bedele, east and west Wollga, Horogudru Wollga, Kelem Wollga, southwest, east, west and north Shewa, Bale, Arsi and west Arsi, Guji and west Guj, west and east Hararge zones; Addis Ababa; from Amhara region west, north, south and central Gondar, west and east Gojjam, Awi zone, north and south Wollo, Oromo ethnic special zone, north Shewa and Waghemra zones; west, central, northwest, southeast, south and east zones of Tigray region; Afar region Gabi and Hati zones; Benishangul-Gumuz region of Metekel, Assosa, Maokomo and Kamash zones; from Gambella region Majang, Agnuak, Itang and Nuwer zones; from Southwest Ethiopia region Sheka, Bench Sheko Dauro, Konta, Kefa and west Omo zones; from the Central Ethiopia region Gurage, Silte, Halaba, Hadia, Yem Special zone, Kembata and Tembaro zones; all zones from Sidama region and from Southern Ethiopia region Wolayta, Gamo, Gofa, Basketo, Derashe, south Omo and Gedeo zone will receive light to moderate amounts of rainfall at many of their places. In addition, central Tigray, north and south Gondar, north Shewa, Waghemra, north and south Wollo, west and east Gojjam, Awi zone, Metekel, Kamash, Mao Komo, Majang, Agnwak, Kefa, Bench Sheko, west Omo, Konta, Addis Ababa, west, southwest, north and east Shewa, Jimma, east Wollga, Horogudru and Kelem Wollga, Arsi, Bale and Gurage zones will have heavy rainfall of more than 30 mm in 24 hours. On the other hand, from the Afar region Fanti, Kilbetti and Awsie zones, from Somali region Fafen and Siti zones; Harar; Dire Dawa; East Bale, Borena and from South Ethiopia region Burji, Alle, Konso and Amaro zones of the will receive light amounts of rain in a few of their places.
2024-07-25 Weather Summary
Yesterday, there was strong cloud cover and accumulation over the northwest, east, northeast, south and southwestern parts of the country. In association with this, from Amhara region north and south Gondar, east and west Gojjam, Awi zone, north and south Wollo, Waghemra, Oromo Ethnic Special zone and north Shewa zones; from Tigray region east and Southeast zones; from Benishangul-Gumuz region, Metekele and Assosa zones; from Oromia region, Jimma, west and east Wolga, Horo Gudru Wollga, west, east, southwest and north Shewa, Arsi and west Arsi, Guji, east and west Hararge zones; Harar; Dire Dawa; from Gambella region Agnwak zone; from Central Ethiopia region Gurage, Hadiya and Silte zones; from Southwest Ethiopia region Bench Sheko and Dauro Zones; from Southern Ethiopia region Gamo, Gofa, Wolaita, Burji and Gideo zones, and from Afar region Awsie and Hati zones received light to moderate amounts of rainfall. In addition, heavy amounts of more than 30 mm were recorded in Debre Tabor, Nefasmewcha, Bati, Motta, Fugnido, Chira, Batu and Kulubi.
City Forecast

Stations with Extreme Measurements (2024-07-26)
Stations with Maximum Temperature
# Name Daily Maximum Temp
1 Aysha 39.0°C
2 Semera 38.0°C
Stations with Minimum Temperature
# Name Daily Minimum Temp
1 Alemketema 7.0°C
2 Wegeltena 8.5°C